Architecture to Engineering in one click

Imagine if you could simply open up an architectural design, do your analysis and then print out the resulting engineering drawings using one file. Just click File->Open, add your input and then File->Print. Think how much time could be saved compared to all the different programs and inputs that you have to do today. Working …

Five minute ISO 19650 summary for engineers

This is a five minute guide to ISO 19650 for engineers. It is a condensed summary drawing on more detailed guides which can be found in the references section. Introduction ISO 19650 provides recommendations for a framework to manage Building Information Modelling (BIM) including exchanging, recording, versioning and organising for all actors. The principal is …

Why Blockchain will NOT change the construction industry

When Bitcoin started getting mainstream attention, many people wondered how they could get involved in what looked like a growing new industry. Others thought it would never work, be shut down, or were hostile to the idea. Therefore when a new narrative emerged which promised to be both a legitimate use of the phenomenon and …

Engineering Visualisation

Traditionally, engineers have communicated design primarily through drawings, sketches, specifications and reports. These types fall into either contracted deliverable documents, typically at project milestones (such as tender drawings and IFC specifications) or engineering advisory information (such as construction phase sketches and reports). As technology improves however, models are increasingly being used to communicate design rather …

Practical Parametrics for Structural Engineers

There are many practical ways parametrics can enhance and speed up engineering workflow. A lot of time can be saved from an average week by: Rapidly testing framing options in real-timeCreation of analysis models directly from Architectural information (including anything with difficult geometry)Assisting in collaboration with others by translating between different model formatsControlling and preventing …